Founded Summer 2001
first concert at the FFFestival (Dresden) January 10th 2002
since March 2002 regular concerts at Max and Moritz
April 23rd 2002 musical illustrations to the audio book
„The Striped Cat and the Swallow Sinha"
Hr2-Audio Book Best List (September 2002)
Institut for Child Media Research
CD/MC of the month (May 2003)
May 2002 first production of a demo CD
February 2002 the percussionist Zito Ferreira joins Extravagante.
Publication of the world music sampler Neukölner Welten
Since Fall 2004 regular concerts at Cafe Forum
2006 production of the first album
2008 release of the first music video
04 and 03.Mai.2008
09.November 2006
20. Mai 2006
20. November 2004
25. April 2004
31. January 2004
22. February 2003
Sandsation - Berlin
Herzgrün love songs in the greenhouse
Sony Center at Potsdamer Platz
Junction Bar (Berlin)
Gut-Gerdshagen (Gerdshagen)
Werkstatt 3 (Hamburg)
at the 30. anniversary of the
La Luz Osram Höfe (Berlin)
Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut
long night of the museums (Berlin)
José Afonso memorial concert
Passionskirche (Berlin)